Friday, August 22, 2008

Politically Correct Curse Words

A few words that won't get you into trouble even with the most political of them all.

I don't know when I first began using these words. They just kind of came to me. It was a few years back when all my friends started using them too. Well, they used them only right after I would use one, to tease me for me having used it in the first place. I highly doubt they really used them any time they weren't with me. But, it was at the time that they all began to "call me" on the words I used, that I first realized that I replace the more offensive words with almost childlike words, that end ups making people laugh as they ask, "What did you say?"

Well, what I say are simple words with typically four syllables instead of the one syllable counterpart. I find myself, at times of great distress, when I "should" be using the "real" thing, saying the words I have unintentionally created. It relieves the verbal pressure I feel I have to let out at the same time as it lifts the mood of everyone around due to the fact that my childish words throws them for a loop.


Instead of using the four letter one syllable "S" word that defines another politically correct word, Pooh, I simply replace it with this lovely fourteen letter four syllable word. This is my most favorite word.


Another word used to define Pooh, would be the "C" word. Crapledackle would be, in this case, the P.C. word for that curse word. Although, some people may not deem this lovely little four letter word as worthy to be a "curse", others do. So, however politically correct you may be, I think all these words would help you out if you suffer from "Speaking Before Thinking Syndrome".


If you say "Freak" a lot, but have gotten criticized for having "filthy language", even though you have nicely replaced the "F" word with a better one, but find that no matter what you say they will still not like it because it "still means the bad thing", try using this one. Throw them for a loop.


While this word does technically have the true word in its name, it still does not sound at all like the real thing when said quickly and with surprise in your voice. Besides, "Hello" has "Hell" in its name and "Hello" means something a "hell" of a lot better than what "Hell" means. Instead of using the four letter word that defines when people fornicate, this word can be used instead. But I usually just use it for when I am surprised.


Okay, this one may not be as P.C. as the rest, but still yet, the main word is indeed hidden between two off the wall words. This word would be good if you wanted to say the "F" word, but you were around kids. The kids, depending on age, may not catch on if said quickly. But this may not be the best word to use when upset at, lets say, a Teachers Meeting. However, using the word: Shnickereffingdickle just might work instead.

As I have said, I use these words at whim while not thinking about using them. So when trying to recall a whole list, I find that to be tough. There may be more, but as of right now, this is all I can come up with. Happy Cursing!

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