Saturday, August 30, 2008

Chicken and Cats


Fourteen Benefits of Preschool Education.

This article is for parents who are arying to weigh the risk to benefit ratio of preschool education.

Preschool education refers to education of toddlers from the ages of three to five years. A lot of research has been done around this issue. The benefits of quality preschool education are now clear. Many parents are convinced of the benefits of preschool education. This article is aimed at those who are still uncertain of the benefits of preschool education. World wide, the number of children attending preschool classes is increasing. In some countries, close to 100% of children attend preschool. One example of such a country is France. In the US about 80 % of children attend preschool.

Reason One: Children who attend preschool usually turn out to be successful students. Preschool education increases their chances of success at school, college and university level. It is the writer’s opinion that this is a major reason why we should send our children to preschool. These finding are based on long term gains – longitudinal studies. About five studies have demonstrated this trend convincingly.

Reason Two: This is another educational gain. Children who attended quality preschool did much better on standardized tests. The outcomes were consistent over numerous tests. Michigan fourth graders who had attended preschool passed their state's literacy and math assessment tests at higher rates than their peers who did not attend preschool when they were three to five years old.

Reason Three: Many children do badly in school as they progress chronologically, by failing in grades which have to be repeated. Repeating a grade is bad for all concerned - the child, the family, the school and the economy. It labels the child as a failure. The child’s feelings are hurt, other children often refer to this child as, “the failure”. Parents often end up saying to the child that he failed. This reinforces the “fail” mentality. The long term result is that the period of useful employment is reduced by at least one year. If more grades have to be repeated the losses are much more. Yale University’s Child Study Centre has reported this benefit.

Reason four: Many children who are not able to perform satisfactorily in regular class get placed in special education classes. Special Education is both costly and demotivating, in the long run, both to the child and the parents. Quality preschool education has the effect of reducing the need for placing children in special education. This saves money for the state, family and the school district.

Reason Five: Adults who participated in preschool education when they were three to five years committed fewer crimes when they grew up. The crimes these preschooled adults committed were less severe than those committed by adults who did not participate in preschool. Crimes cost the state, community and individuals lots of money. In short, preschool education reduces crime and delinquency.

Reason Six: Adults who participated in preschool education had rates of teen pregnancy when compared with adults who did not participate in preschool. This is significant because teenage pregnancy is associated with poor educational outcomes for the next generation. These studies were done in North Carolina, USA. (26 percent vs. 45 percent).

Reason Seven: Adults who participated in quality preschool education early in life ended up with a greater opportunity of employment and higher wages. Forty-year-old adults in Michigan who attended preschool education when they were young children were more likely to be employed and had a 33 percent higher average income than their peers who did not participate in preschool.

Reason Eight: Adults who were sent to preschool when they were young contributed and participated more to stable families. They also had more stable married lives. The divorce rate among preschooled parents is lower too. These types of benefits were not even thought of by the founders of preschool education. These findings are based on forty-year-old adults in Michigan who attended preschool education as children.

Reason Nine: Good return on investment. For every $1 invested in educating a child through the preschool system saves taxpayers up to $10.00. The savings are in the reduced need for remedial and special education, welfare, and criminal justice services, according to a number of studies. These savings have been reported by several sources

Reason Ten: Quality preschool education improves the efficiency and productivity in the classroom. Children who participated in preschool education when they were young had more advanced skills in areas such as following directions, problem-solving, and joining in activities, all of which allow teachers to spend more time working directly with children and less on classroom management.

Reason Eleven: Sarjeet S. Gill, a researcher with Charles Darwin University, is investigating the effects of preschool education on the subjective wellbeing of such children. He is postulating the preschool education affects the SWB and makes them more ready to attend school.

Reason Twelve: Sarjeet S. Gill, a researcher with the Charles Darwin Univeristy’s School of Social Policy research, is also postulating that the benefits of half day education are just half of those of full day preschool education.

Reason Thirteen: Mothers can go to work and bring much needed resources to the family.

Reason Fourteen: When a child is sent to preschool education during the day, he/she appreciates being with parents, just a little bit more.

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Griffon Vulture and Fox




Why Men Won't Commit

There are many reasons why men won’t commit. Some say they haven’t found the perfect woman; some say they want to wait until they can afford the perfect woman; and some say “I already have the perfect woman, why bother to marry her?

If you're wondering if your boyfriend ever plans to settle down and have a kids, the answer is probably “Yes, but not in the near future.”

A recent study named The State of Our Unions conducted face-to-face interviews with 60 single, heterosexual men aged 25 - 33, and came up with this conclusion: Single men DO want to have their own home, wife and kids - but not until they're older. Here are some of the reasons they gave, in no particular order:

  1. Men no longer need to get married to get sex.

    It's easy nowadays to meet women - in bars, at work, through the Internet - and apparently, many of them will sleep with you without marriage, or even a commitment. So, as far as these men are concerned, if sex is all they want, they look for a sex partner, not a wife.
  2. Men no longer need to get married to have a wife.

    For many men, cohabitation is a great way of having their cake and eating it too. They get all the benefits of having a wife without giving a commitment in exchange. If you're the type of girl who is fine with this, then good for you. If you're the type who is hoping for marriage in exchange for your devotion, then you should have listened to your mother when she said that “He won't buy the cow if he already gets the milk for free.” Crass? Absolutely - but true, unfortunately.
  3. Men are afraid of divorce - and of alimony.

    So who likes divorce? It's not only hard on your emotions, it's also hard on your pocketbook.

    Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that one great way to avoid divorce is by not getting married in the first place. I'm not saying it's the best way, but it's one of the easiest ways, and some of us are lazier than others.

  4. Men want to wait until they are financially stable.

    Not unreasonable. Admirable, even, in certain situations. A man who knows the responsibilities he has for his wife and kids, and wants to make sure he is fit to carry them before taking them on, is a good man. Now, if you and your boyfriend have very different definitions of what “financially stable” means, then you must seriously consider compatibility issues that will haunt you even after you are married.
  5. Men are afraid of the changes that marriage will make on their lives.

    Less freedom, more responsibilities: That's how many men see marriage. In truth, marriage can be so much more rewarding than that. But with such bad advertising, who can blame them if they're not so eager to buy?
  6. Men are waiting for the perfect soulmate.

    Well, so are women. Now, in case you are wondering what their definition of “perfect soulmate” is, it means “the woman who will accept me as I am and will not try to change me.” So if you don't like something about your man, either you learn to accept it or keep looking. (If it's a major issue, I'd say keep looking.) On our part, we don't want a man who will consider us his life project either, do we?

The million dollar laptop by Luvaglio

March 07 saw the launch of the world’s most exclusive laptop by Luvaglio. Full spec details have not yet ben released but we know it has a 17” widescreen LED lit screen with a specially designed anti-reflective glare coating for clear and brighter image, 128GB of Solid State Disk space and a slot loading Blue-Ray drive. There is an integrated screen cleaning device and a very rare coloured diamond piece of jewellery that doubles up as the power button when placed into the laptop and also acts as security identification.

Rohan Sinclair, CEO of Luvaglio said: “Unlike many of the highly priced products being released, we took our time to develop something out of the ordinary with real attention to detail. “

“I didn’t want us to simply re-house a laptop into a diamond studded casing, or diamond encrust the entire thing simply to make it expensive. We’ve put thought in from the keyboard down to the power charger. There is an integrated screen cleaning device and a very rare coloured diamond piece of jewellery that doubles up as the power button when placed into the laptop and also acts as security identification. We have used diamonds elsewhere but have given them purpose.”

According to Luvaglio, “the brand is committed to re-defining luxury in a few sectors, technology being one of them.

“Many claim to produce luxury goods but we believe that the true element of luxury is having something that says “YOU”, that money can’t buy.

“At present and from our previous luxury work, our initial clients will be chosen from this selection as we have already established trust.

“The range to be released shortly would allow the owner to become the creator and visit our showroom at two or three well known upmarket stores we are in discussion with, whereby our selection of materials, finishes and accessories will be available to view and a choice selected.

“The choice will be based on our selection but of course other colours and finishes can be done on request. We have access to diamonds that are simply rare and near impossible to get hold of, so are able to offer a very embodied choice.

“The presentation boxes are of course supplied and finished in the choice that is selected by the client. Exact figures I am unable to provide at present due to negotiations but will certainly be more obtainable then our master piece.”

The first such masterpiece will sell for more than US$1,000,000.

This entry has been viewed 863 times.

Football’s Richest Soccer Players

According to the BBC, Britain’s Soccer / Football players are awash with money.

Unsurprisingly, the ubiquitous David Beckham tops the list with Wayne Rooney predicted to rapidly over take him in years to come.


1. David Beckham £87m ($169m)

2. Michael Owen £32m ($62m)

3. Robbie Fowler £28m ($54m)

4. Sol Campbell £27m ($52m)

5. Rio Ferdinand £22m ($43m)

6. Ryan Giggs £22m ($43m)

7. Andriy Shevchenko £22m ($43m)

8. Thierry Henry £21m ($41m)

9. Wayne Rooney £20m ($39m)

10. Michael Ballack £18m ($35m)

This entry has been viewed 2489 times.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Politically Correct Curse Words

A few words that won't get you into trouble even with the most political of them all.

I don't know when I first began using these words. They just kind of came to me. It was a few years back when all my friends started using them too. Well, they used them only right after I would use one, to tease me for me having used it in the first place. I highly doubt they really used them any time they weren't with me. But, it was at the time that they all began to "call me" on the words I used, that I first realized that I replace the more offensive words with almost childlike words, that end ups making people laugh as they ask, "What did you say?"

Well, what I say are simple words with typically four syllables instead of the one syllable counterpart. I find myself, at times of great distress, when I "should" be using the "real" thing, saying the words I have unintentionally created. It relieves the verbal pressure I feel I have to let out at the same time as it lifts the mood of everyone around due to the fact that my childish words throws them for a loop.


Instead of using the four letter one syllable "S" word that defines another politically correct word, Pooh, I simply replace it with this lovely fourteen letter four syllable word. This is my most favorite word.


Another word used to define Pooh, would be the "C" word. Crapledackle would be, in this case, the P.C. word for that curse word. Although, some people may not deem this lovely little four letter word as worthy to be a "curse", others do. So, however politically correct you may be, I think all these words would help you out if you suffer from "Speaking Before Thinking Syndrome".


If you say "Freak" a lot, but have gotten criticized for having "filthy language", even though you have nicely replaced the "F" word with a better one, but find that no matter what you say they will still not like it because it "still means the bad thing", try using this one. Throw them for a loop.


While this word does technically have the true word in its name, it still does not sound at all like the real thing when said quickly and with surprise in your voice. Besides, "Hello" has "Hell" in its name and "Hello" means something a "hell" of a lot better than what "Hell" means. Instead of using the four letter word that defines when people fornicate, this word can be used instead. But I usually just use it for when I am surprised.


Okay, this one may not be as P.C. as the rest, but still yet, the main word is indeed hidden between two off the wall words. This word would be good if you wanted to say the "F" word, but you were around kids. The kids, depending on age, may not catch on if said quickly. But this may not be the best word to use when upset at, lets say, a Teachers Meeting. However, using the word: Shnickereffingdickle just might work instead.

As I have said, I use these words at whim while not thinking about using them. So when trying to recall a whole list, I find that to be tough. There may be more, but as of right now, this is all I can come up with. Happy Cursing!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

World’s Most Expensive Hair Straighteners

Straightening hair will never be as luxurious again once you use these limited edition Models 1 Diamond Straighteners. Embedded with six Dutch rose cut diamonds and set in 18 carat yellow and white gold they are retailing for a cool £9,500 ($17,575) at London’s Selfridges.


Given that diamonds conduct heat faster than any other substance, the plates of these straighteners have been designed to incorporate crushed diamonds that can reach temperatures of 232 Celsius, a full 2 Celsius higher than the best professional ceramic straighteners.

This entry has been viewed 1741 times.

Write Effective Online Petitions

Ten tips to help you write better petitions on the internet.

Have you included all the information?

Often I find online petitions are badly worded. What is it you actually want? While I might agree with the sentiment of “Allow returns of concert tickets and penalize touts to stop people making a profit from music fans” I will not support “stop touts” which does not give me any information.

If it is a petition against another country, have you taken into account the customs and society?

I have received emails from people asking me to stop people in India killing tigers, stop the caste system in India and stop whaling in Japan. While you may feel these are worthy aims, you are asking people to turn against their own culture in favour of what we feel is right. In the case of the tigers, you are asking people to value animal life over human life. Have you considered that the country doing things you object to may well think some of the things you do every day are bizarre or even taboo.

If the petition is aimed at a company, does it make any sense for them to respond?

I have been linked to petitions about stopping the closure of the Astoria, a famous venue in London, and asking for Star Trek Enterprise to not be cancelled. In both cases, would it make financial sense for the companies to change their minds? In the Trek case, more people signed the petition than ever watched the show. If people wanted to make a difference, they should have watched. But they didn't, because everyone hated the show but wanted to ensure the future of Trek. Thus, “saving” the show was far from realistic. With the Astoria petition, many people signed who had never even visited London. Realistically, their views were not likely to be taken seriously. Often by the time you have heard about a business decision it has already been made. Be logical and suggest an alternative if you want to overturn it.

Include links to relevant information

I have received invitations to sign petitions on issues I know nothing about. Some relevant information will allow readers to make an informed decision.

Have you used overly emotive or abusive language?

One thing that puts me right off an issue is followers being overly abusive or emotive. I have been told, in an email, that I am a **** if I don't sign. In fact, that was the title of the email. Equally, terms like “evil” or insults and slurs will just convince readers that the person who started the petition is childish. Which of the following is more effective: “stop a nuclear power station being built next to schools” or “stop evil toxic warmongers from killing our defenceless children!!!!”? People may even think the latter is a joke.

Make sure you read through the responses

There is a man called Optimus Prime, but if you find more than one of them has signed, along with Micky Mouse and Daffy Duck, chances are your petition will look far from professional. It is better to lose a few numbers than to invalidate the whole petition.

Have you offered the opportunity to sign up and help?

If you put in an option that allows people who feel strongly to help in campaigning, you can find that you have a diverse number of people to join the team. Different skills can be offered, as well as a wide geographical base. You can use these people in real life, not just as a signature.

Is the format appropriate?

If I receive an email petition where you add your name to the bottom, I tend to assume it is a hoax. How can it possibly work with hundreds of number 58s? Surely it's confusing to compile when it returns. There are numerous sites, such as Petition Spot which can sort the names into a usable format. Also consider whether an online format is appropriate. If it is a local issue, will signatures from the other side of the world help?

Have you considered possible outcomes?

If you achieve your aims, what will happen? If you are asking a struggling company to abandon a popular line, would they just switch to even worse business practises to keep a profit? If hunting a certain animal is banned then will hunters go for a rarer one? Is your cause too narrow, or have you maybe missed an aspect? Sometimes when we research a topic we find an angle we hadn't previously considered. This can be enough to change our minds or to consider exceptions. Make sure you do your research before you start your petition.

Do something as well as an online petition

Have you heard of an online petition actually achieving anything? Paper petitions have proven to be of very little use, look at the number of people who signed Jubilee 2000 with no result. Online petitions are even less effective as it is far too easy and anonymous. John from London and Lisa from MA do not have much authority and will hardly convince someone to change their minds. Do some direct activism, such as street theater, to get people involved. Invite the press to take photographs to give publicity. You can then mention the number of people who signed the petition, rather than using it as the only focus. If you feel you must do an online petition, then go for it. Just don't rely too heavily on it for a positive outcome.

Move up a gear with most expensive gear knob!

If you’re a wealthy chav (basically a stoopid lottery winner) then this is for you to put in the Escort along with the UV lights. It’s the world’s most expensive gear knob, and at £75,000 GBP you just know it’s gonna contain some gems!

most_expensive_shift_knob_1_small copy

In fact, it’s handcrafted with 20 Karats of genuine diamonds and 10 ounces of 18-karat white gold.

Not an ounce of Burberry in sight I’m afraid Victoria Beckham

Porsche Cayenne Kids Electric Car

Want your kids to grow up successful? Then get them used to the high life with this little beauty. It’s an electric Porsche Cayenne that reaches speeds of 3mph and suitable for 3-5 year olds.


It’s got loads of features including working headlights, taillights and tailpipes. A removable key starts the motor giving those little cherubs the true experience of their own ‘grown up’s car.

Oh… and you get a battery charger too.

Costs around £260

World’s most expensive number plate SOLD!

A wealthy Arabian fella spent a record £3.5M on a single digit number plate which went on sale at an auction recently in the United Arab Emirates. The most ever paid in the World for a number plate.


The number plate “5” was bought for 25.2 million dirhams in Abu Dhabi, the oil-rich capital of the UAE.

Dubai-based businessman Talal Khouri placed the highest bid in the first auction of its kind in the UAE, with the proceeds going to charitable projects for people with special needs.

The price beat a previous world record set last July in Yorkshire, northern England, where the licence plate “M1” was knocked down for 331,500 pounds or $657,160.

Al Khoury also offered highest bids for two more numbers - number 55 for US$1.8M and number 45 for US$1.4M.

One off Silver MTM Audi A8.

Check this bad boy out, it’s not actually solid silver but it is polished Aluminum, finished in a clear protective lacquer. The car was put together for a Saudi Sheikh buyer by Roland Mayer and his team at mtm (Motoren Technik Mayer) tuning in Germany.


This particular design project is known as the Audi A8 D3 polished. Before applying the final, clear finishing coat the metal surface of the car had to be totally free of any marks or defects because retouching later was not possible.

Of course the plastic bits could not be polished, parts like front and rear bumpers, spoilers, exterior mirrors, side skirts and fuel tank cap. These parts were finished in a special enamel paint to match the polished metal surfaces before they too received a clear finishing coat.

What Present To Buy A Forex Billionaire!

If you’re on the exchanges gambling gazillions of dollars each day and you’ve got money to burn like a stereotype “forex billionaire” then what on earth would you want as a birthday or christmas present.

I really pity people trying to buy for those who have everything, unless of course you have everything as well in which case you might be able to register something meaningful in the present department. So I tried to imagine myself as a billionaire and came up with a top five list of things that might fit the bill if money was no object:

1. I have to admit and this is going to sound very politically correct - but I would love someone to donate a great wodge of money to charity on my behalf. My personal favourites are World Wildlife Fund and UNICEF - so if your reading this feel free to go and donate on my behalf!

2. Bugatti Veyron - the fastest production car in history might be an option. It is as elegant as it is beefy under the bonet. With a price tag of £1 million sterling it’s a definite billionaire’s boy’s toy. Just read Jeremey Clarkson’s review and you might get a taste of what a landmark this car really is - the like of which we are unlikely to see again. Quite simply a marvel of modern engineering.


3. A trip to space - this is obviously the angle that Richard Branson is aiming at with Virgin Galactic although I can’t help feeling that this won’t be the real deal in terms of actual space flight, afterall you’re only going to be in the vacuum of space for 5 minutes as far as I can gather and you’d be paying $170,000 for the privelage. Nah for a billionaire’s present you’d have to go the whole hog and hitch a lift with the Ruski’s in a Soyuz. I think the last guy that did that paid $18 million or so - but the experience of seeing the earth from above must have been worth every penny on it’s own.

4. A stay at the Burgh Al Arab in Dubai - having visited this place I can testify to the fact that this is one of the most beautifully designed structures in the world. Shaped like a sail it sits elegantly on the Dubai coast surveying the ocean before it. The building is simply stunning at sunset. The interior is far too gaudy for my tastes but the atrium is undeniably spectacular. With the only seven star rating in the world and a per night charge in the many thousands of dollars this place is definitely a gift to consider for a billionaire.


5. Celestron Sky Scout - this ones a little out of left field and it’s even within the price range of most mortals retailing at $399 at Amazon but quite frankly I rate this little gadget very highly. Essentially it’s like having your own personal planetarium - being able to locate and identify over 6,000 stars, planets, and constellations from a built-in database using advanced GPS technology. Even a billionaire might be impressed by that.

What Present To Buy A Forex Billionaire!

If you are struggling to come up with a gift idea for a wealthy friend we provide a service here at Lussorian where we’ll do the leg work for you. If you give us a description of the person’s tastes we will search out a list of cutting edge gift ideas and even arrange purchase and despatch for you. Contact us here for more details.

Luxury Super Car Equals The Ferrari P4/5

We took a brief look at probably the most expensive and most desirable car on the planet here when we included the Bugatti Veyron in a list of potential gifts for a billionaire.


But the Bugatti now has a potential rival in the form of the Ferrari P4/5 (awful name in my opinion) which is in effect a suped up Ferrari Enzo. So how does it measure up.

  • The body is composed of a unique carbon fibre.
  • Designed by the iconic Italian firm Pininfarina.
  • Incorporates the performance of the Ferrai Enzo.
  • The P4/5 has a clear glass canopy stretching from the windscreen over the roof and engine, all the way to the rear, and incorporates a pair of gullwing doors.
  • The Enzo’s twin radiators have been amalgamated into a single unit to allow a shorter nose.
  • White ceramic exhaust pipes emerge from the rear deck.
  • Two racing seats feature unique fabrics.
  • The dashboard has been simplified with a digital display.
  • Phone system that works anywhere on the planet.
  • iPod dock on the centre console.
  • The steering wheel features the same paddleshifters as the Enzo.
  • Six-speed gearbox.
  • The engine is a 660bhp 6.0-litre V12.
  • The weight is less than the Enzo falling by 55kg to 1,310kg.
  • Aerodynamically tested, the P4/5 has a potential top speed of 225mph, up from the Enzo’s 217mph.
  • There appears to be some dispute on the price tag which is reported to be anywhere between £1 million and £2.5 million.

Official public launch is set for Pebble Beach on the 20 August followed by an appearance at the Paris Motor Show in September.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Goldvish Luxury Cell Phone

Bling, bling, bling. It’s everywhere these days but this bling generation cell phone named the Goldvish Illusion really excels where no other product has gone before.


Heralded as the “ultimate luxury phone” the Goldvish is made from 18k gold and set within high quality diamonds. The phone itself incorporates quad band technology (sounds great but not excatly sure what that means).

Goldvish say:

“The fusion of exclusive Swiss watch making and high end luxury brand.”

GoldVish offers 15 different versions which retail up to a cool million dollars.

Is Renova the Most Expensive Toilet Paper?

Quite frankly luxury toilet paper is a bit of gimmick in my view. As long as it’s soft, strong and thoroughly absorbent then you’re really not going to be bothered about whether your toilet paper has gold leaf or fancy coloured decoration on it. After all, it’s all heading down the pan at the end of the day!


Nonetheless, Renova believe there is a market for luxury toilet paper and have produced a line in paper rolls that come in four different colours.

Retailing at $13 to $20 for a three pack they are said to offer a “soft and silky experience”.

Am I missing the point here?

The Luxurious Clearaudio Master Reference

Quite frankly this is one of the most astounding pieces of sound system engineering ever seen. The Clearaudio Master Reference (not a great name in my opinion) comes with a £19,750 ($31,500) price tag but you’re getting a complete one off in terms of engineering genius.


What does this hefty price mean in terms of functionality. Clearaudio say:

“We were the first manufacturer worldwide to eliminate the negative effects of asymmetric force from the motor drive system acting upon the platter. We call it side-force-free belt drive. Open the casket of ingredients and you will find engineering worthy of a jeweller.

  • Resonance-eliminating-chassis construction and geometry
  • 3 separately housed motor drive units
  • 3 independent belts
  • Precision machined, massive tonearm mounting-plates
  • Hand-polished inverted bearing with a diamond-polished ceramic ball
  • Massive stainless steel decoupling bases No frills, no compromises, our way undoubtedly achieves the undisturbed reproduction of the fine and sensitive information coming from vinyl.

Always striving towards perfection and to improve upon our best we designed the ACCURATE POWER GENERATOR to eliminate noisy spikes and stabilize the voltage. No degradation from beginning to end guarantees never before heard detail, depth in imaging and neutrality.”

Basically, all this means is that you have one of the finest sound systems in the world at your disposal.

The world’s most expensive printer by HP.

Ever dreamt of coughing up £10000 for a 24-carat gold plated HP printer. At a recent IT expo, HP decided to celibrate it’s 4 million sales mark by pimping a standard HP1160 laser printer into a blinged up masterpiece.


Unfortunately I can’t seem to find out if it’s up for public sale. If anyone knows…

Luxury bathrooms with copper class, are you avin a tin-baff!

The Cyprium copper or tin bath is a highly stylish addition to a luxury bathroom. It’s a hand made pure copper or tin classic design and something that certainly won’t get missed in an elegant bathroom.


With copper being a natural heat conductor your bath will stay warmer for longer too. And if that wasn’t enough to tempt you into a decision, the ergonomically enhanced shape ensures a bathing position that will support the back and promote a feeling of relaxation and well-being.

Costs around £2,500 GBP / $5000 USD

Cant be without your iPod, even on the toilet!

It’s no secret that the iPod has changed the way we live to a degree, with all manner of inventions coming onto the market involving iPods. Well now you don’t have to be without it even on the toilet, the iCarta combines a stylish toilet paper dispenser with a speaker system.


The holder itself consists of 4 integrated high performance moisture-free speakers, and also charges your iPod when docked.

Luxury Stone Baths

If you’re refurbishing a luxury bathroom then you might want to take a look at one of  Limestone  Gallery’s stone carved baths.

Beautifully elegant and highly original.


Each is carved from a single block of stone with many unique examples now appearing in exclusive projects all over the world. The bathtubs may be made to measure and are available in a range of stones and alternative designs.

We’re not sure the retail price of this particular product but we do know similar items in the range are sold for a little over £7,000 ($14,000).

[New !] 6 Wheels Sport Car - Have You Ever Seen Before?

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